Thursday, May 3

Going to the moon and girls night!

Hello everyone!
So on tuesday, we went on a Geology field trip with the junior students and Amanda to a place called Craters of the Moon. Basically, it was a place where there used to be volcanos and lava activity so all of the rocks there came from the cooling of lava. The fun part was that we had to go inside some cooled lava tubes that now are just big caves in the middle of nowhere and we went to one called the Boy Scout cave where the rocks were covered in ice so we were slipping and falling all the time (well at least I was haha). When we got to end of the cave the whole group had to turn off our flashlights and head lamps and just stay in silence for two minutes. It was so silence and peaceful, americans really like the outdoors and hiking, exploring, etc.
The difficult part was when we had to go up a hill and it was so windy I couldn't even feel my legs and ears, I think the pictures I'm gonna post next are gonna give you guys a better visual:

Yesterday, after classes, Gabi and I went to Lily's house (Gabi's host sister) and had a girls night! We were so excited because we were planning this for sooo long. It was really fun, we did our nails the brazilian way and taught Lily and Isabel how to make brigadeiro.
After that, we went straight to a restaurant called Pioneer where we were supposed to meet everyone else to have a big dinner, and believe me it was big. I couldn't even finish my dish, it was just too much food haha But being the girl that I am, obviously I saved some room for dessert and I'm really glad I did, we had a very famous dessert called Mudpie. And no it was not made of mud as the name suggests, it was bitter chocolate and coffee ice cream. SO GOOD!

Lots of hugs,

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