Thursday, February 10


Hello guys! First of all, I want to say that I'm sorry for all this time I didn't post here, but we're having really busy days here in Sun Valley. Today, our day was pretty different from the other ones. We didn't have classes, because this Wednesday was what they call as Powder Day, which is a kind of day that happens once a year, when the head of the school decides that they won't have classes and almost everybody go skiing or some other outdoor activity. Of course, we didn't go skiing because this is such a dangerous thing to do and we don't want to get injured, so we decided to go to Twin Falls (a city that is about two hours of Sun Valley) to go shopping! You may not understand why we had to go to another city to but some stuff (mainly gifts), but here in Sun Valley things are really expansive, specially because this is touristic city and normally rich people come here to spend vacation and they can afford for all these expansive things, but we're not rich and that is why we had to go to Twin Falls. Twin Falls is not exactly a big city, but it's kind of big if we compare it to Sun Valley or Ketchum, for example. We arrived in the city and went straight to the shopping mall, where we found good sales. I mean, really good sales. For me, the best stores we went were Macy and Target, but there were some other good ones too. I bought some gifts to my family and to my friends, and unfortunately I didn't bought many things for me, but that doesn't matter. The most important things I'll take with me are the memories of all these days I'm passing here, and I'm sure there's no souvenir better than that. We spent almost the whole day in Twin Falls, and we arrived here in Sun Valley about 7 p.m., I think. Then, we had a Greek dinner at Jim's house (the Raisa's host father) and that was just amazing. We had a lot of Greek food (Jim is Greek) and we also learned some words in Greek such as Opa, that means Yey or Yupii. Well, Greeks normally say that when they are very happy =D Now I'm home and tomorrow we will have one of our last days in the Community School. That may sounds sad but this is not a good moment for sadness. We're all so happy with everything we lived and learned here these last couple of weeks. The moment of leaving we'll be sad, but we know that on June we'll some of these guys again and it turns things easier. That's all for today, folks. Hope you're all okay in Brazil, warm hugs!


  1. The Bug Bunny's phrase is "That's all, Folks", not like here in Brazil "Isso é tudo POR HOJE, pessoal". But I do enjoy reading your posts (:

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