Monday, January 31

Law and Literature Class

EXTRAORDINARY! That's how I would describe the experience we are having here! All the feelings and perceptions of a different place doubtless is unique!

We are attending the same classes of our host brothers or sisters. So far I have attended Chemistry, English, History, Algebra and Law and Literature. This last one specially got my attention. As my host sister was doing a French test, I went to Law and Literature class, which Geraldo goes to. It was just awesome!

Today they were debating about liberty and law consequences, how the law affects people's life and how it should affect . They have read a book and are taking some parts of it to debate in class. However, you should debate defending a certain point of view about that theme. This I think is just amazing!!!

Chemistry class was very good too. They talked about the last experience they had making nylon at the lab. So, this includes Polymers and a lot of chemical functions that in Brazil we study at the second grade  of High School.

History class was about Colonialism, Imperialism and the European Influences in the Western Hemisphere. Well, about it we, as Brazilian, have a lot of things to say due to we were a colony of Portugal and suffered direct influences of Europe during Colonialism and Imperialism time.

Now, I want to tell you something that hasn't left us since we've arrived and until we go to Brazil again: SNOW! It's really really beautiful and I got just amazed with it!

I hope you like it!
See you soon!

Warm hugs from the United States!

Posted by Amanda Furtado


  1. Vocês estão divinos...que benção de Deus...adorei saber sobre a aula de química ainda mais a experiência sobre nylon que envolve minha especialização em polí Fico muito feliz em vê-los tão entusiasmados e trilhando caminhos merecedores...amo todos vocês....sucesso, de seu professor e 'pai' coruja, Fred.

  2. o Fred como 'Ana Dolores' está ‘mara’ e nem comento sobre polímeros “mestre em ciências, ciências e tecnologia de polímeros” é isto. shauhuas x).
    Mas enfim, você nem deve ter amado a aula de "Law and Literature" que eu saiba nem gosta destas coisas mesmo... ;D
    Aproveite muito ai, Amanda querida. Beijos, do calor e em português.

  3. Hey, Laura! Thank you for you comment! Yeah! I confess I really enjoyed the class of Law and Literature! In fact, all the classes are being fantastic!

    Hi, Fred! Thank you for you comment too! Yes! I remembered of you during our chemistry class. Actually, I think that me and Weell remembered of you. They are studying organic chemistry and it was really fun to find out how to say "alcano", "alceno" and "hidrocarboneto" in english!!!! rsrsr


    Amanda Furtado

  4. Great post!
    The place seems to be marvellous and the classes you had are so interesting.
    You are all doing a great job.

    Fernando Ananias


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