Tuesday, April 24

Afternoon with the Elementary School

Hello everyone!
We had a very busy day and after the classes we came to the Computer lab so we could make contact with our parents and update the blog.
This afternoon we did an activity with the elementary students, who are about 6 years old. We told them about Brazil (where it is located, the language we speak, the diversity of the regions, the fauna and flora) and told the legend of Saci and Iara. We also played Cabra Cega with them, which they particularly liked, and danced quadrilha with them. It was very funny!
Now we will walk around the city and then maybe go to the movies.
Later we will post some pictures and videos (we already have a lot of them), so I highly recommend that you follow the blog, this is very important to us!
 I talk to you later.

Gabi 20

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