Wednesday, February 2

Hello everybody! Today is our 4th day here in Idaho and everything is just being incredible! Yesterday, we didn't have plans for the Afternoon, so we decided to watch the basketball game at the Community School , and that was great. Unfortunately, the Community School lost both the boys and the girls games, but that is all right. After that, we had pizza in a restaurant in the downtown of Sun Valley and it was so funny. We spent a lot of time discussing the English accents. Today, as well as in the other days, we went to the Community School and took classes until 1:30p.m., and the school is really nice. I started the day with a French class (unfortunately I don't speak french, but that is good anyway) and after I had a Spanish class, that is really awesome. I really like Spanish, so that is easy to me. Just after that, I had an American Dream class, that is a kind of literature class but it's also about the American culture and points of view. That's really interesting. Here in the Community School, the students are able to choose what subjects they want to take, so people normally take classes about things they are interested in. We are taking the schedule of our hosts brothers and sisters, but we are also free to choose the classes we want to take. After the lunch, I also had Math and Physics classes. After the school, most of the Brazilians exchange students and some people from the Community School went to Wood River School, an American Public School here in Sun Valley. Guys, that is an amazing school. It's huge, and people of there were so polite with us. Actually, everybody here is so kind. Like I said before, we all are already missing Brazil and our friends and family, but this trip is just amazing. We are learning so many things that we'll never forget, and we're also teaching them a lot about our country and culture. Well, hope you're all ok in Brazil, and keep reading our blog, we're doing it specially for you. Warm hugs, Jordy.

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